
文章来源:芝加哥侨学网   时间:2012年10月27日 点击:7748 次 评论: 613






 张一程采取了他的独特方式,去试图影响美国民众的民意。他写作一篇了题为《夏威夷岛主,要把夏威夷卖给日本》(Hawaii is Sold to Japanese Government by an individual who said as the owner of the Hawaii Islands)的英文文章,以十分生动的类比、非常吸引人阅读的方式,讲述了钓鱼岛属于中国的历史渊源与真相,揭露了日本右翼势力的丑恶嘴脸。文章没有口号,没有标语,娓娓道来,指出日本军国主义阴魂不散、美国政府袒护日本是导致目前钓鱼岛争端与东亚紧张局势的根源。



 张一程认为,华人社区的示威、集会很重要的,但更重要的是如何向美国民众做工作,不要幻想美国的政客和媒体会为中国发声、讲公道话,在美华侨应该充分利用自己的优势与资源,直接向美国民众做工作。张一程表示,也欢迎大家通过网络便捷方式,将传单发给更多的美国友人,索取电子版的传单,可发邮件至 wiseachang@yahoo.com



Hawaii is Sold to Japanese Government by an individual who said as the owner of the Hawaii Islands

By Yi-Cheng Chang 張一程

Hawaii is sold to Japanese Government by an individual who was said as the owner of the Hawaii Islands. If you think this is OK, you can stop here. Do not go further to read the following. Just do what ever you enjoy to do.

If you think this is ridiculous, then please proceed and do something. Diaoyu Islands, of two square miles size, are only about 115 miles from Taiwan Island of China, and about 215 miles from China’s east coast , but over 400 miles from Japan’s major island in the southwest side. During the early Ming Dynasty, i.e., about 600 years ago, the Chinese discovered the Diaoyu Islands.

In Ching Dynasty, i.e., about 300 years ago, the Chinese government put the Diaoyu Islands under the jurisdiction of Taiwan Province. A map published by Japanese government in late 19th century excluded the Diaoyu Islands from the territory of Japan. Judging from all aspects of international laws in territorial matters, Diaoyu Islands are China’s territory.

In 1895, Japan stole the Diaoyu Islands from China after China lost the war against Japanese invasion. To encourage Japanese to settle there, the Japanese government sold the Islands to a private citizen. After Japan surrendered at the end of War World II in 1945, according to the Cairo Declaration and Potsdam Declaration, Japan must return all territories it illegitimately occupied back to the original rightful countries.

In 1951, U.S. and Japan signed a peace treaty in San Francisco. China, as one of the major victims of the Japanese invasion in the past half century and one of the allies in WWII defeating Japan and Germany, was not present and did not participate the discussion and settlement. But the U. S. turned the Ryukyu Islands to Japan. the Ryukyu Islands had been regarding China, not Japan, as the suzerain since Ching Dynasty.

In 1972, U.S. turned Diaoyu Islands to Japan and named Japan as the administrator of the Island. Even though China’s government in Mainland and the government in Taiwan were technically still at civil war, both sides did not accept this arrangement. This arrangement was made without China’s present and consent. This is no different from that some country assigns another country as the administrator of Catalina Island off California coast.

Since then, from time to time, the Japanese rudely obstructed, dispelled, arrested and injured Chinese fishermen in the waters near the Diaoyu Islands, even though the Diaoyu Islands belong to China and the area was a traditional fishing area for the Chinese fishermen. Recently, the Japanese government, with the right wing extremists, accelerated the process of stealing the Diaoyu Islands permanently away from China, despite of the strong protests from both the governments in Mainland China and on the Taiwan Island.

The scheme of changing ownership of the Diaoyu Islands from private individual to Japan government, can not alter the fact that Diaoyu Islands belong to China, but is a further and very irresponsible provocative step to create tension in the region. The consequences will be devastating not only to China and Japan, but also to U.S.A. No one can predict the impact if the Japanese wild will and behavior are out of control. Military conflict is quite possible should the Japanese go too far.

Question: Why and how can the Japanese do these?
(1) While the Germany government had long ago apologized for Germany’s role during the WWII and its crime against the Jews, the Japanese have not apologized to the Chinese and other Asian peoples.

The Japanese have no remorse of their disastrous invasions to other countries and wounds and grief they had inflicted upon the Chinese and other Asians during the WWII. In the school text book, they even twist that it was not invasion, but helping other nations. They deem it was American’s fault for the attack in Pearl Harbor because U.S. was to try to strangle Japan’s economy.

They do not admit their atrocities that caused deaths of tens of millions civilian. They deny the fact that Japanese commanders and soldiers slaughtered 300,000 Chinese civilian when they were marching into China’s capital Nanjing in 1937. They enshrine war criminals who were convicted and executed by the International Court for their evil rolesin WWII.

Their politicians go to the temples to worship them. Schools organize students to pay visits there and to respect these war criminals as heroes. They deny they forced massive Asian women into sex slaves for their soldiers. The Japanese are not willing to admit their defeat in WWII and do not want to give up their intention to bully other countries again.

(2) The Japanese are encouraged by the U. S.. In recent years, while withdrawing from Iraq and Afghanistan, U.S is disturbing and upsetting the harmony, peace, and cooperation among the countries in the Asia Pacific region by encouraging Vietnam, Philippines and Japan to stir up frictions with China. For example, all non-military ships of all countries have been freely passing the waters around China’s numerous islands freely without any incident for 6 decades. Vietnam and Philippines fishermen have been fishing in China waters.

All countries around the South China Sea had drawn up a set of code of conduct over a decade ago to express their consensus of peaceful cooperations rather than confrontation. But recently Secretary of State Hillary Clinton stirs up hostility against China by urging Southeast Asia countries to band together “to assure the free passage in the South China Sea. ” She sounds like that China has already interrupted normal international navigation in the region *. Most Asia countries have avoided falling into the trap set by U.S.. But Vietnam and Philippines take this ill opportunity to try to take China’s islands away.

In the first place, U.S. wrongfully transferred China’s territories to Japan, disregarding China was one of its major allies in winning the WWII. U.S. planted the
seeds for conflicts in this region. Recently, in the surface the U.S. government says it does not take side on the issue of the Diaoyu Islands. In practice, however, U.S. is encouraging Japan to further its provocative acts to permanently take the Diaoyu Islands from China. For example, recently U.S. and Japan had a joint military drill with the theme of re-taking the Diaoyu Islands back to Japan’s control should the Chinese take re-possession of the Islands.

For another example, U.S. official openly said the Diaoyu Islands are within the obligation of U.S. to back up Japan if military conflict is set off between China and Japan. ( Actually, the Diaoyu Islands are not covered by the Treaty between U.S. and Japan, because they are not territory of Japan.) What U.S. government is doing is giving Japan dangerous go-ahead signals.

Should U.S. take side with Japan and encourage Japan to cause instability and conflicts in the Far East region? Should U.S. be dragged into military

Should U.S. fight along side withJapan against China for the tiny islands stolen by the Japanese? Should the American people forget the attack by the Japanese in the Pear Harbor so that U.S. liberalizes the restriction upon Japan in regard of its capability and role in military power?

Should U.S. continue to arm Japan with advanced weapons?

Should U.S. encourage Japanese to revitalize their militarism and expansionism?

Should U.S. mess up the South China Sea region by acting like a trouble maker to stir up conflicts among the nations there?

Question: What would you want to tell the officials and politicians in Washington? ?

*The politicians and media in U.S.A. have spread propagation of the false allegation of China’s hostile expansion. All of us know that Confucius was a great educator and philosopher of ancient China.

His teachings have influenced Chinese and Chinese culture for over 2, 000 years. His major teachings include harmony among human and respecting each other. Six hundred years ago, Ming Dynasty emperor commissioned commander Zheng He to lead large fleets 7 times sailing down to South Asia, and some times further to Arab and the east coast of Africa. Each voyage had several hundred huge ships with total about 10,000 people on board.

The Chinese did not kill the aboriginals, did not take their lands, did not force them to accept Chinese language, culture and system. Instead, the Chinese traded with them, introduced technology to them, made friends with them, respected their customs and culture, and observed their sovereignty.

If the Chinese culture is militant and aggressive , today people in India, Arab and East Africa would be speaking Chinese language. Unfortunately, the Chinese philosophy of harmony, peace, co-operation and mutual respect has been taken advantage of by many countries, including Japan, Vietnam, Philippines and USA. Co-operative is always better than provocative; Harmony is always better than confrontation.

All peace loving people in USA need to act to prevent war provoked by Japan but pampered by U.S..