
文章来源:华咨处   时间:2012年07月31日 点击:5154 次 评论: 112


尹国权医生将把本次社区优惠服务收入的50%, 捐赠给华人咨询服务处,以支持华谘处这个服务华人社区30多年的非牟利机构。本次社区优惠服务详情如下:

日期﹕ 8月6日起,逢星期一、星期三及星期五部份时间就诊
           上午10 时至下午6时 (星期五另定约诊时间)

地点﹕尹国权医生华埠诊所 (2262 S.Wentworth Ave, Chicago, IL)

资格﹕凡持有牙科保险(HMO 除外)和付现金者﹐可先致电﹕312-791-1444 或 312-791-1392)预约诊视。

诊视时间﹕优惠办法﹕每一位就诊新病人可获八折优惠﹐至$300 为限

学校牙齿检查﹕        $12.95

15 岁以下儿童洗牙:  $35 

成人检查,洗牙及 X光查蛀牙﹐ $65 (正常服务收费为$185)

拔牙  $75 起
补牙   $95 起

智慧牙手术和牙週病治疗﹕八折收费优惠至 $300 为限。



尹国权医生从事牙医逾卅年。曾担任 LOYOLA 大学全职牙科教授和拥有中国城﹐Lincoln Park﹐和西郊 Oakbrook 三间牙医诊所。 尹医生早年曾分别于澳大利亚和英国牙科医院深造﹐曾获全额奖学金的最高荣誉。他除了是一位牙科手术医师(DDS) 和医科博士(MD)外﹐更拥有着名的FAGD 和FRACDS 名衔。尹医生具丰富学识和精湛技巧。让他成为全美牙科领域中的佼佼者。



附: 尹国权医生简介


Dr. William Wan Kwok Kuen


Dr. William Wan Kwok Kuen, a senior dentist who has been practicing in Chicago’s Chinatown, Lincoln Park & west suburban Oakbrook for 30+ years, and a staunch supporter for local community activities, is now launching a new and unprecedented project to do fund raising for CASL for the month of August and on assigned days each month for the rest of the year.

As a sponsor in CASL’s early beginning, Dr. Wan realizes that CASL needs continues financial support from members of the community it serves owing to curtailed or withdrawal of government fundings. Dr. Wan hopes to set an example how local merchants or professionals could make similar effort by donating certain percentage of income received on certain days to CASL.

Dr Wan was a former full-time Assistant Professor at Loyola University School of Dentistry, and his educational background was diversified and extensive, which included a 4-year full scholarship to study Dentistry in Australia, post-graduated training in England as well as at the University of Sydney in Australia. He also belongs to the 1% elite group of professionals who are both M.D, and DDS. In addition, Dr. Wan also earned two prestigious Fellowships in Dentistry (FAGD, FRACDS), and altogether he has 4 degrees in Dentistry and one in Medicine. He provides a full range of service to his patients.




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