
文章来源:TCFA Chicago   时间:2012年06月01日 点击:6014 次 评论: 599

美国华人金融协会芝加哥分会(TCFA),芝加哥大学中国学生学者联合会等机构将于6月14日在芝加哥大学举办座谈会,中国证监会(CSRC)研究中心主任祁斌博士(Dr. Bin Qi),届时将与来宾就中国资本市场最新改革与发展动向的进行交流与探讨。同时,还将有“北京证券期货研究院”的相关介绍及招聘信息。


本次座谈会具体时间为: 6月14日晚6时,地点为芝加哥大学海德校区(Charles M. Harper Center , Room  C04,  5807 South Woodlawn Avenue, Chicago, IL )。 本次活动免费开放,但需提前注册( ),活动场地有限,注册登记请从速。


6:00pm– 8:00pm:

Feature presentation by Dr. Bin Qi in Mandarin: 

1) The reform and development of Chinese Capital Market                  
2) Introduction of Beijing Academy of Securities and Futures Research
8:00 – 8:30pm: Q&A Session  
8:30– 9:00pm: Networking 

由中国证监会(CSRC)研究中心主任祁斌博士率领的五人代表团,将在6月中旬访问美国,并将在6月10日于哈佛大学(波士顿)、6月11日于哥伦比亚大学(纽约)、6月13日于Georgetown University (Wahsington DC)、6月14日于芝加哥大学(芝加哥)、6月15日于加州大学洛杉矶分校(加州)分别发表演讲及座谈交流活动。


Dr. QI Bin is the Director-General of Research Center, the think-tank of the China Securities Regulatory Commission (CSRC). Prior to his current position, Mr. Qi was a Deputy Director of the Fund Supervision Department of CSRC for five years, supervising mutual fund industry and QFII’s in Chinese capital market. Mr. Qi joined CSRC in 2000 as a member of its Strategy and Planning Committee.

Before joining CSRC in 2000, Mr. Qi was a partner of a New York-based venture capital firm. Prior to that, Mr. Qi worked with Goldman Sachs Asset Management and Paribas Capital Market in New York and London.

Mr. Qi holds a Ph.D. in Economics from Tsinghua University, an MBA from University of Chicago and an MS in Biophysics from University of Rochester. From 1991 to 1992, Mr. Qi lectured physics at Tsinghua University, where he received his BS in Physics.

In 2005, Mr. Qi translated “The Great Game, The Emergence of Wall Street as a World Power,” into Chinese, which became a best-seller in China and has been reprinted more than 34 times since then. In 2007, Mr. Qi led a team from CSRC and The World Bank and drafted China Capital Markets Development Report, the first of its kind, which provides a comprehensive review of the history of Chinese Capital Markets and full analysis of the challenges of the market, and development strategies for the years to come (till 2020). The report is available in both Chinese and English on the CSRC website (