
文章来源:CFAA   时间:2010年11月27日 点击:5563 次 评论: 581


非金融专业人士要转行到金融产业,需要掌握那些知识技能?需要什么的规划与策略?本次活动的主讲嘉宾,来自金融界不同领域,他们将以自身成功的经验,为大家提供咨询与建议。主讲嘉宾包括来自Spot Trading 公司的Anlong Li博士,Institutional Capital公司的投资分析师 Harry Gao,  Morningstar Investment Services (MIS)公司的金融分析师Sam Yan。

本次活动具体时间为12月7日晚5:15至 7时,地点为The Union League Club of Chicago (Colonial Room 830),地址为:65 West Jackson Blvd, Chicago, IL。参加本次活动者,非CFAA会员每人$13, CFAA 会员每位$8, 当天临时参加者每位$18。出席本次活动,请着正装。提前报名及缴纳费用,请点击


Agenda:    5:15 – 5:30pm Registration
5:30 – 6:00pm Networking
6:00 – 6:40pm Panel Discussion
6:40 – 7:00pm Q&A



Anlong Li, Ph.D., Director of Financial Engineering, Spot Trading LLC

Dr. Li is currently Director Financial Engineering at Spot Trading LLC. Prior to joining Spot Trading, he was Head of Quantitative Analytics for Emerging Market Credit and MBS at Barclays Capital. He started his Wall Street career on swap desks at Lehman Brothers and Salomon Brothers. He was First Vice President and Head of Derivatives Modeling at First Chicago, Senior Vice President and U.S. Head of Structured Product Trading at ABN AMRO, Director in Quantitative Research at Citadel Investment Group, and Managing Director and Head of Research at XL Weather and Energy. He also served as a Research Fellow at the U.S. Federal Reserve and an Adjunct Professor in the Financial Engineering Program at Columbia University. Dr. Li received his Ph.D. in Operation Research from Case Western Reserve University in 1992.

 Harry Gao, CFA, Investment Analyst at Institutional Capital LLC

Mr. Gao is a Senior Vice President and investment analyst at Institutional Capital LLC (ICAP). He specializes in the analysis and stock recommendations for the global consumer durables and finance sectors, and also focuses on investment opportunities in Asian pacific regions. Before joining ICAP in 2006, Harry was employed with Chartered Semiconductor Manufacturing Company as an engineer in Singapore. He earned a bachelor's degree in engineering from Tianjin University and has a master’s degree in engineering from Singapore - MIT Alliance and an MBA from the University of Chicago. He is a CFA charter holder.

Sam Yan, Quantitative Analyst at Morningstar Investment Services, Inc.

Sam Yan is quantitative analyst at Morningstar Investment Services (MIS), Inc., a registered investment advisor and wholly owned subsidiary of Morningstar, Inc.. In this role, Yan is responsible for tracking and managing performance and portfolio data, and implementing various investment research projects for MIS. Yan joined Morningstar, Inc. in April 2000 as a database programmer. Prior to that, he was a software developer with Morningstar Associates. Yan holds a bachelor’s degree in civil engineering from Tsinghua University, China, a master’s degree in computer science from the University of Illinois at Springfield, and is a CFA charter holder.





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