华盛顿赏樱大巴三天游:$150起 + 买二送一

华盛顿赏樱大巴游3天  特惠促销价
  $150起 + 买二送一









- 大巴游不需要机票,更经济实惠!
- 参加一年一度的华盛顿樱花节
- 游览白宫、国会大厦、华盛顿纪念碑、林肯纪念堂等
- 游览淳朴的阿米西农庄




美地假期  MagVacations

电话: 877-896-9076  (全美免费热线)
地址:2408 S Wentworth Ave, Ste1
           Chicago, IL 60616
QQ: 1679025509



★ 美国中西部最大最专业的旅游和商务接待公司(入境地接)。每年接待中国大陆、港澳台和亚洲其他国家前来美国进行旅游、商务、会展、培训和交流的客户近万 人。公司拥有扎根美国本土的现代化管理和服务团队,训练有素的导游队伍,各种类型的旅游商务用车,以及24x7全年无休的中文操作团队。

★ 中国、亚洲和欧洲旅行的专家(出境旅游)。每年组织成千上万的洋人和华侨游客从北美前往中国、亚洲和欧洲旅行。公司的出境团队有平均超过10年的从业经 验,常年为北美游客以及50多家北美的大学和中学提供专业的线路咨询和设计,产品报价和确认,以及机票、签证和出团服务。公司与港中旅分支机构建立了长期 稳固的合作关系,并在中国国内设立分公司,以确保我们的贵宾得到最好的服务。



★ 美地假期的管理层和核心业务人员是最早在美国中西部地区从事入境旅游和商务接待的团队,并从2002年开始即扩展到全美范围的旅游和商务接待;在前往中国、亚洲以及欧洲旅游和交流方面,也是全美华人旅行业者中最专业的团队之一。

★ 是NTA(美国国家旅游协会—中国游客入境项目)、IATA(国际航空运输协会)、ASTA(美国旅游业者协会)、OSSN(全美独立旅游业者协会)、CLIA(美国国际游船协会组织)和PATA(亚太旅游协会)等多个大型权威行业组织的认证会员。

★ 拥有ARC(Airlines Report Corporation)资质。

★ 与美国主流社会、大型企业和非盈利组织、学校、地方旅游局以及中国各地旅游局建立了良好的关系和信任。


★ 美地假期的管理层和核心业务人员是最早在美国中西部地区从事入境旅游和商务接待的团队,并从2002年开始即扩展到全美范围的旅游和商务接待;在前往中国、亚洲以及欧洲旅游和交流方面,也是全美华人旅行业者中最专业的团队之一。

★ 是NTA(美国国家旅游协会—中国游客入境项目)、IATA(国际航空运输协会)、ASTA(美国旅游业者协会)、OSSN(全美独立旅游业者协会)、CLIA(美国国际游船协会组织)和PATA(亚太旅游协会)等多个大型权威行业组织的认证会员。

★ 拥有ARC(Airlines Report Corporation)资质。

★ 与美国主流社会、大型企业和非盈利组织、学校、地方旅游局以及中国各地旅游局建立了良好的关系和信任。


★ 美地假期与全美各地500多家不同档次的酒店签订了合约,在保证了服务品质的基础上提供最合理的旅游住宿价格。我们的酒店涵盖各大中小城市的市中心、机场、购物区等,大部分还包含早餐、免费WIFI、免费机场接送服务等。

★ 为了满足客户不同的用车需求,我们全新的豪华车队包括多辆7座商务车、各式高顶奔驰、15座商务车、25/32座中巴、48/56座大巴以及各式高级房车等任您选择。

★ 多年来与国航,南航,东方航空以及全美各大航空公司建立了长期的合作关系,我们确保为您提供最便利的行程和最优惠的机票。

★ 作为北美中部最大地接社之一,我们对全美各地景区和餐厅有最直接的了解和选择。美地假期有专业的踩点工作人员亲自上路为您寻找更多美丽的景点,每年推出独一无二的旅游线路。我们还能推荐各式中西饭店、牛排馆、米其林高级餐厅等以满足您对各国美食的向往。

★ 在中国国内与港中旅大陆分支机构有长期的合作关系,在亚洲和欧洲与当地专业的大型旅游公司建立稳固的合作伙伴关系,并深入参与当地旅游资源的采购与选择,以保证我们产品的价格优势。


★ 美地假期国内外各公司拥有一批高素质的旅游专业从业人员。我们的管理团队具有平均超过10年以上的业内经验,美国地区90%的高层管理人员具有硕士以上学历。

★ 我们在美国地区设有专门的地接服务部门和一支优秀的多语种导游队伍。他们平均具有5年以上的导游从业经验,精通粤语、国语和英语,95%以上具有大学以上 学历以及在北美求学的经历,了解美国的历史、文化、社会、经济、学校以及商贸各个领域,能够为您提供最专业的导游讲解和翻译服务。


We are proud to be a member in good standing of the following:


NTA (National Tour Association) is the leading business-building association for professionals serving customers traveling to, from and within North America. Our 1,500 buyer members are tour operators who buy and package travel product domestically and around the world. Our seller members - 600 destinations and 1,500 tour suppliers - represent more travel product and have access to more business-to-business networking than in any other association in the industry. That includes customers and product in every U.S. state, Canadian province and more than 40 countries. Our members join to demonstrate their commitment to the profession, further their education, and collaborate and partner with the best the industry has to offer.

 NTA website: http://www.ntaonline.com

The Better Business Bureau is a private, non-profit organization that aids consumers by supplying reports on the reliability of companies. There are 138 bureaus located throughout the United States and Canada.

BBBOnLine's mission is to promote trust and confidence on the Internet through the BBBOnLine Reliability Program that allows companies with web sites to display the seals once they have been evaluated and confirmed to meet the program requirements.

The BBBOnLine Reliability Seal confirms a company is a member of their local Better Business Bureau, has been reviewed to follows good customer service practices.

Start your search with Trust! We are a part of a core group of businesses that support ethical business practices and integrity in the marketplace.

Magvactions has been rated A+ over the years.

Magvactions Chicago's Best Business Beau accredited ID#:21000191



ASTA - American Society of Travel Agents - is the world's largest association of travel professionals. With 26,000 members worldwide, ASTA is the leading advocate for travel agents, the travel industry and the traveling public.

ASTA's mission is to enhance the professionalism of member agents by identifying and meeting the needs of the traveling public.

Magvactions ASTA membership number: 900182406

Magvactions San Francisco ASTA membership number: 900185562


Cruise Lines International Association is the world's largest cruise association and is dedicated to the promotion and growth of the cruise industry.

CLIA is consistently rated the most effective travel association in terms of overall support of the travel agency community, the value for the money, and the quality of its training programs.



The Pacific Asia Travel Association (PATA) is a membership association acting as a catalyst for the responsible development of the Asia Pacific travel and tourism industry.

In partnership with PATA's private and public sector members, we enhance the sustainable growth, value and quality of travel and tourism to, from and within the region.



International Air Transport Association (IATA)'s mission is to represent, lead, and serve the airline industry. IATA represents some 240 airlines comprising 84% of scheduled international air traffic.[1] The Director General and Chief Executive Officer is Tony Tyler. Currently, IATA is present in over 150 countries covered through 101 offices around the globe.







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