目前擔任全球前五十名著名美國音樂院音樂醫(治)療研究所所長的嚴克映博士,長期以來鼓勵孩童的鋼琴學習,曾為文 “鋼琴教育– 開啟智慧之門”探討鋼琴學習對孩童一生人格心性的影響。 嚴克映博士認為鋼琴學習因為使用雙手,不但可以經由訓練左,右腦的思考力,協調力,而開發智力(IQ);更可以培養耐力,專注力,恆心,提昇心性(EQ),對孩童一生具有既正面又深遠的影響。
嚴克映博士表示, 去年美中音樂學會傑出學生杜寰宏才為哈佛大學錄取,今年再接再勵學生雷慧雯不僅為包括哈佛及耶魯等長春藤名校所錄取,更獲得四年全額獎學金。 雷慧雯在鋼琴學習上表現優異, 曾獲2010及2011日內瓦鋼琴大賽第一名,通過美中音樂學會鋼琴十級鑑定。因而獲得美中音樂學會主席嚴克映博士的大學申請推篶信。
美中音樂學會MACMO成立於 2001年,美國芝加哥。美中音樂學會以宏揚中華文化,推廣中華音樂教育 ,肯定華裔子弟的音樂成就,暨表彰年輕傑出華人音樂家為職志。 更為推展中、西音樂文化交流而不遺餘力。
MACMO為美國的鋼琴普及教育與鋼琴專業教育做出了卓越的貢獻。它是全美既專業且深具權威的鋼琴評級考試。美國長春藤大學包括:哈佛大學、麻省理工學院、史丹佛大學、耶魯大學、芝加哥大學等,均非常注重入學學生的全方位、綜合素質,尤其是入學學生的藝術素質,其中更以音樂占了最大的比重,這也就是為何鋼琴考級制度在美國深受重視的原因。MACMO的鋼琴考級不僅為此些大學認同,更是深受重視的美國大學入學評審的課外活動之一。 MACMO鋼琴考級制度也因而成為海外留學生,尤其中國、台灣,做為進入名校的敲門磚。 目前在芝加哥只有美中音樂學會學生可以參加考級,但是芝加哥以外地區,世界各地的鋼琴學子,例如:中國,台灣;皆可由指導老師的加入學會員而取得考試資格。
美中音樂學會學生雷慧雯除了傑出的學業成績及音樂表現外,寫作才華更在大學申請論文上展露無遺。 在此提供她的論文,盼對申請美國大學的莘莘學子有所助益。
90 minutes = the time spent commuting from school to my house.
I have been a public transportation regular for nearly 6 years. A bus ride is not an experience one usually finds particularly enjoyable; you are crammed into a seat – sometimes forced to sit next to the smelly old man that hasn’t showered in a week – and you lose all control of your time and space. You cannot control how fast or slow the bus is moving, how much or how little traffic there is, nor can you control whom you get to sit next to. Placed into such a seemingly unpleasant situation, it may be extremely hard for anyone to see any beauty offered by a stuffy bus. However, all that is required to turn an undesirable circumstance into a more enjoyable experience is a change in perspective.
With a simple survey of the crowd, I see an assortment of personalities and lifestyles. There are the introverted and extroverted, the diligent and lazy, the businessman and student; the list extends indefinitely. Each and every person has his or her own life story to tell. With this observation, I realize that lessons and teachings are not limited to only those provided by our schoolteachers. Ideas and insights can be obtained from everyday people, not solely from the people printed on our textbooks.
I sat next to Gregory one day. He was your typical man: provider for a family, loyal husband, and employee. However, that day redefined Gregory’s position in this world. He was laid off from his job. As a result, he was no longer an employee, thereby eliminating his ability to provide for his family. I learned of his situation by talking to Gregory.
Bus Ride Lesson 1: Life is unpredictable.
Another time, I observed a high-school girl, carrying what seems to be a 20-pound backpack, giving up her seat for a middle-aged woman. The lady was capable of standing, and it was clear that the girl needed the seat more than the lady. The lady initially declined the offer but eventually graciously sat down and thanked the girl for her kindness.
Bus Ride Lesson 2: Altruism does exist in the human race. That is comforting.
Recently, I was seated next to Mai. She was a Chinese high-schooler just like me, and yet, she was so different from me. She enjoyed the works of Shakespeare; I enjoyed equations. She attended school on the south side of Chicago, whereas I attended school on the north. She was an immigrant; I was born and raised in America. We have all these differences, and yet, we are in the same place at the same time. For that one moment, we share something similar.
Bus Ride Lesson 3: We are all unique, but through communication, our differences become less noticeable. By sharing our stories, we close the gap between all of us.
I am a public transportation regular.
My 90 minutes = Last Period: “Priceless Life Lessons”, taught by my bus-riding Professors