
主讲嘉宾: CBOE 亚洲事务董事总经理郑学勤

文章来源:CFAA   时间:2010年03月15日 点击:5481 次 评论: 584

 美国华人金融协会(Chinese Finance Association of America ,CFAA)将于3月25日在市中心(Union League Club of Chicago)举办主题为“中国金融业的现状及未来”的讲座,芝加哥期权交易所(CBOE)亚洲事务董事总经理郑学勤(Eugene Zheng)将作为主讲嘉宾,同大家一起探讨有关中国金融业现状与未来。

欢迎参加。本次活动活动具体时间为3月25日,下午5:15 至晚 7时,地点为The Union League Club of Chicago ,Tudor Room, 7th Floor (65 West Jackson Blvd
Chicago, Illinois)。

5:15 – 5:30pm Registration
5:30 – 6:00pm Networking
6:00 – 6:05pm Introduction by CFAA
6:05 – 6:35pm Speech by Mr. Eugene Zheng
6:35 – 7:00pm Q&A
欲参加本次活动,请尽早预定。CFAA会员每人5元;非会员每人10元(网上注册支付:Pay Online Now),活动当天支付则为每人15元。



主讲嘉宾简介:郑学勤(Eugene Zheng)



Eugene Zheng is Managing Director of Asia Affairs at Chicago Board Options Exchange (CBOE). Previously, he was a Director for Institutional Marketing for the Exchange.

Zheng also is a guest analyst on the economy for China’s Xinhua News Agency, and contributes to major financial journals in China including the China Securities Daily and Futures Daily.  He has translated four options books into Chinese, including Larry McMillan’s McMillan on Options and Options as a Strategic Investment and Options: Essential Concepts and Trading Strategies by CBOE’s Options Institute.

Zheng has his doctoral degree from the University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign.




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