

位于芝加哥西郊(Bolingbrook, IL)的汽车配件公司,成立于1983年,现因业务发展需要,招聘出货文员1-2名,全职。

工作时间为周一到周五(8am - 4:30pm),主要负责公司货运部门事务,包括准备货运单据、打单、贴单,确定货运方式、联络货运公司等。要求拥有基本的电脑操作,有基本英文交流、读写能力。






American Chrome Company is proud to provide premium quality OEM grade heavy truck accessories for over 30+ years. 

Founded in 1983, American Chrome Company has worked hard towards becoming a recognized leader in supplying the heavy - and light-duty truck and RV industries. 

Quality is not just a word we use, it is the defining difference in how American Chrome manufactures our products and why our customers have made us one of the most successful chrome, stainless steel, and PC/ABS plastic suppliers in North America. 

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